Rotonda Forum China
China – a market with huge opportunities for business but also many small challenges hiding behind every corner. In the other direction, Germany is internationally perceived as a nation with high technological expertise, especially in the production and automatization sector. Bridging the gap between both sides holds tremendous synergies for both parties. The key is knowing the right people – or in other words, building relationships.
Within the Rotonda Forum China we want to enable our members to address this issue by establishing contact in both directions: Finding partners for Europe based businesses in China as well as providing partnerships for Chinese businesses within Germany.
The Rotonda and our partners Mrs. Yin-Baron and Rheinische Post organize Events about China.
You are interested in further information? Please let us know and we will answer your request immediately
Guangyan Yin-Baron
Author and Business Consultant
Uli and Uwe Kessel
Club managers
– We are looking forward to hearing from you–
Phone: +49 221 2919 44 00